Web-crawled to produce 4-million word topical corpus
Designed & developed system to parse JSON arrays, extract twitter messages, and lexically analyze over 180-million messages for sentiment & topic in reasonable time. Utilized a dynamic web framework with AJAX to create a cloud-based launcher for this system.
An NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities2019Sustaining DHWorkshop Participant
Event tagging for narrative reconstruction2019BYU Student Research ConferenceCo-Author
Timeline survey2019Digital Humanities: Utah 3 (Weber State University)
Course design: DIGHT 3402018Developing Javascript
Natural language data visualization2016,17,18BYU LING-485 Corpus LinguisticsGuest lectures
Demonstrating Fairy Tale TV2018Digital Humanities: Utah 2, Utah State UniversityTechnical demonstration
Designing Fairy Tale TV2017Digital Humanities: Utah, Utah Valley UniversityTechnical discussion
Using Watson for constructing cognitive assistants2016Adv. Cogn. Syst. 4, 1-16.
From episodic memory to narrative in a cognitive architecture2015Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative
Goal reasoning and narrative cognition20152015 Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems: Workshop on Goal Reasoning
Thinking in stories2015Master's Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology
NI-Discover History: meta-narrative for explanation bounding2014Technical Report, Navy Research Lab
Syntax stories: episodic memory for natural language processing with Soar2013Honors Thesis, Brigham Young University
Semantic memory for syntactic disambiguation2013Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM 2013)